Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hearts and Other Horrors

I found this through a link that Kirsten Miller provided on how to make "canned monstrosities", and since then it's become my favourite video on youtube. Before you freak out, the "heart" is actually made out of gelatin with corn syrup and grenadine serving as "blood". Here's a direct link.

I also recently discovered what is called a Mini Munny at the Urban Outfitters in San Fransisco. Apparently they've been around for awhile. Basically they are little monkey shaped figurines which you can sculpt, write, or draw on. The website even has a how-to/tip page for them. Even a few artists such as Tara McPherson have designed some which you can see here.


liltomboyblue11;) said...

awesome! that's really cool..... but the heart actually does freak me out, which is rare.

liltomboyblue11;) said...

btw, LOVE the second video!