Saturday, November 17, 2007

Katarina Fritsch

I must have been around four years old the first time I saw work by Katarina Fritsch completely by accident. It was in the old San Fransisco Museum of Modern Art I belive and her art work was pretty much everywhere. We didnt know who she was but my mom didnt want to go into any of the rooms with her sculptures though becuase they largly consisted of (you guessed it) rats. We saw the Rat King I beleive and Man and Mouse(which forever turned me on to incubi and succubi and that sleeping syndrome where you beleive ones on top of you, but more on that later...). However my all time favourite was her Ghost in the Pool of Blood. I absolutly MUST see that again before I die. Unfortunatly there's not much on the web about her. Here's what I COULD find however: and they are 1. Kind mit Pudein (Baby With Poodles), 2.Rattenkonig(Rat King) and 3.Mann und Maus(Man and Mouse)


Anonymous said...

I have seen Ghost in a pool of blood at a private collection in Chicago just last week. It is absolutely extraordinary, frightening and profound.

Anonymous said...

I'm a great fan of Katharina Fritsch too though I have only seen one of her pieces (Rat King)in flesh and blood. I doing an essay on her work for my final major in art but have had the same problem with resources on the internet. If you know of any sites i would be truly grateful if you could send me a few links. Many thanks Kristina