Monday, November 19, 2007

Les Morts de la France

Who'd have thought the French would be so strict about their dead? After all in the 1600s they were uprooting many of the undead and placing them in mass graves in the extensive catacombs under the city. Contrary to all that graves must be kept clean and tidy and cutting through one to smoke and have fun is a horrible faux pas. In fact people under the age of 14 are not allowed inside one unless accompanied by an adult. Singing or playing music is prohibited, animals arent allowed, and you cant even take pictures unless given permission. You can read more about it here. In the same spirit is this article which goes over some of the many monsters and myths of France, such as Melusine and the White Ladies, not the mention the Loup Garoux. Also for those of you who read the first article and want more information on the famous Pere Lachaise Cemetery you can find it here.

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